👉 PVED Embryo Donation Program

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IVF Quote I was able to make through all the ups and downs of finding a clinic, then another clinic, a donor, and then another donor, miscarriages, "chemical" pregnancies, all the way to having a child, and beyond because of PVED.
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Parents find PVED because they are current or potential donor egg (DE) patients. They know DE is very different from other infertility treatments, and are tired of sifting through general infertility information to find what they need about DE. Parents come to DE without a medical or technical background, and often find DE overwhelming. They want to meet and have a connection with other people who have chosen DE to help build their families; they want basic background and detailed reference information.


PVED is their answer. PVED brings a laser-tight focus to this important and rapidly growing subject matter. PVED is exclusively "on point" for the needs and wants of a unique patient population; one that demands extremely specific information to address their emotionally and financially stressful situation.

Service overlap exists in any charitable or educational area. ASRM and SART address the larger issues in infertility treatment, and deliver important information to a broad range of potential patients. Although PVED focuses on egg donation, we are aware that sometimes other aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), and Third Party Family building is involved. (Namely Sperm donation and Surrogacy) Your advertising dollars at PVED will be reaching a large audience in the field of Assisted Reproduction as well as Intended Parents looking for services directed at helping them build their much wanted families.

Advertising with PVED gives your company visibility at a single, trusted reference for your potential clients. Consider your financial investment in PVED a place where you will receive high visibility as our visitors, both Intended Parents and ART Professionals, utilize the information, support and guidance located on PVED on a daily basis.

All advertising is placed on our website, located per our price guide and specific agreement, and run for a minimum of 90 days. All ads must be paid in full before your ad will be placed. If you need a banner ad made up to our site specifications (see below) please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to accommodate you. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact PVED via phone at 503.987.1433 or via email: Via Contact Page

Ads must be web-ready in .jpg format or.gif format (for animation). If needed, we can provide graphic design services at a flat rate of $350.00. We also do custom advertising design (.jpg only) priced on an individual project basis, starting at $600.00. Hourly graphic design rates are $150.00 per hour. All advertising is placed on our website, located per our price guide and specific agreement, and run for a minimum of 90 days. All ads must be paid in full before your ad will be placed. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact PVED via phone or email: Via Contact Page

Prices subject to change without notice.

Sizes and Prices

(160 x 600): $700.00 per year

Business card size
(250 x 100): $400.00 per year

Half Page Ad
(325 x 500) Main content area: $1500.00 a year

Full Page Ad:

Main content area to open up in new window:
Please call for details (503) 369-9363

PVED takes monthly payments as well and we offer a great sponsor ship program beginning at $5000.00 per year. If you sponsor our organization your logo appears on the front page.

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